Key Person
Each child deserves to have a special relationship with someone within the nursery and the key person approach effectively celebrates this. It provides you and your child with a sense of security.
Developing a secure bond with their key person allows them to explore and play freely but feel safe within the environment. They will have activities and quality learning experiences planned for them based on their individual needs.
For the parents
The key person approach provides them with a dedicated staff member who fully understands the learning, development and care needs of their child, this gives you the confidence to leave your child at the nursery knowing they will be cared for in a way that is tailored to the information that you provide.
Sharing of information allows the key person to maintain a continuity of care and ensure collaborate partnership working between home and the nursery setting.
Settling In
The key person approach provides them with a dedicated staff member who fully understands the learning, development and care needs of their child, this gives you the confidence to leave your child at the nursery knowing they will be cared for in a way that is tailored to the information that you provide.
Sharing of information allows the key person to maintain a continuity of care and ensure collaborate partnership working between home and the nursery setting.
Your Key Person
Your key person will generally be the person who welcomes you and your child into the nursery and supports them in settling into the session. They will also be the main practitioner carrying out the child’s intimate care needs, such as putting to sleep, nappy changing and physical closeness. Any information shared with the parents is also done mainly through the key person.
To ensure consistent continuity of care for all children, each key person is paired with a ‘buddy’ who will take on the role of the key person during periods of absence such as holidays. It is part of the key person’s role to ensure that their ‘buddy’ and other staff within the environment are aware of their key children’s needs and have a strong relationship with the parents to enable clear communication.